Apple Vision Pro, the company's mixed-reality headset, has apparently been updated to visionOS 2.2. The new update resolves numerous long-standing bugs with Apple's latest operating system. It also made various upgrades, particularly to the Mac Virtual Display, which allows users to reflect the screen of a Mac device onto the headset. The latest enhancements enable users to adjust the form of the mirrored interface, increase display quality, and resolve the audio routing issue.
VisionOS 2.2 Improves Mac Virtual Display
According to 9to5Mac, the worldwide stable version of the visionOS 2.2 upgrade has been published for Vision Pro headsets. The update includes new functionality that Apple has already mentioned in its release notes for beta versions of the OS. While the update solves various issues with Siri, SwiftUI, and other utility programs, it also includes three significant improvements to the Mac Virtual Display.
The Mac Virtual Display has been one of the most anticipated features since the Vision Pro's initial announcement at the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) in June 2023. The capability allows users to operate on their Mac devices using the headset. The mirroring capability also includes a virtual keyboard and touchpad, allowing users to conduct a variety of operations from the reflected interface. However, there were certain limits.
First, while the size of the Mac Virtual Display could be altered, there was no way to change the form of the window beyond the basic rectangular screen. With visionOS 2.2, users can now choose between wide and ultrawide modes, giving them more screen area to utilize macOS comfortably.
Another enhancement is in terms of resolution. The update enhances the mirrored macOS display to a higher resolution. While the improved resolution is allegedly not identical to information shown in a native visionOS app, it does reduce the gap.
Finally, visionOS 2.2 resolves the issue where the mirrored Mac screen's audio was still routed through the device rather than the Vision Pro. This implies that even if you play a movie using the Mac Virtual Display, the audio will still come from the Mac. However, issue has now been resolved, and users will be able to hear audio straight from the Vision Pro.
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