The Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra is expected to launch as part of the Galaxy S25 series early next year. In recent weeks, rumors have circulated that Samsung's alleged next-generation flagship device will undergo a design redesign, with the boxy shape being phased out in favor of a more curved approach. According to a source, higher configuration models of the Galaxy S25 Ultra may receive a RAM bump over the Galaxy S24 Ultra.
In a post on X (previously Twitter), user @Jukanlosreve disclosed the upcoming RAM increase for the Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra. According to the source, the basic edition of the Galaxy S25 Ultra would include 12GB of RAM and 256GB of storage, same like its predecessor. Meanwhile, the other models will be available with 16GB+512GB and 16GB+1TB RAM and storage capacities.
— Jukanlosreve (@Jukanlosreve) December 8, 2024
256 12
512 16
1TB 16
Previous sources suggest that the Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra would have a 6.86-inch AMOLED screen with fewer bezels than its predecessor. The rumored handset might include a 200-megapixel primary camera, a 10-megapixel 3x telephoto camera, a 50-megapixel 5x telephoto camera, and an enhanced 50-megapixel ultrawide camera.